Tuesday April 15 PM: Fernandina: Punta Espinosa

Marine Iguana

Marine Iguana Link to larger image in new window

Afternoon - Panga ride to Punta Espinosa on Fernandina and a walk on the black lava. Many Marine Iguana (black - it looks like they spit out the salt water they have taken in; actually they're sneezing), Lava Lizards, Flightless Cormorant (one pair building a nest), Whimbrel, Lava Heron, American Oystercatcher. When we went back to the panga for the ride back to the ship, the tide had gone out so we had to walk (very carefully) across wet black lava to get to the panga. Towels had been put down to help us not slip.

Fernandina: Punta Espinosa

Fernandina: Punta Espinosa Link to larger image in new window

Marine Iguana

Marine Iguana Link to larger image in new window

Ropy (pahoehoe) Lavag

Ropy Lava (pahoehoe) Link to larger image in new window

Marine Iguanas

Marine Iguanas Link to larger image in new window

Marine Iguanas

Marine Iguanas Link to larger image in new window


Marine Iguana Link to larger image in new window

Sea Lion

Sea Lion Link to larger image in new window

American Oystercatcher

American Oystercatcher Link to larger image in new window

Flightless Cormorant

Flightless Cormorant Link to larger image in new window

Lava Heron

Lava Heron Link to larger image in new window

Flightless Cormorant

Flightless Cormorant Link to larger image in new window

Flightless Cormorants at nest

Flightless Cormorants at nest Link to larger image in new window

Flightless Cormorant at nest

Flightless Cormorant at nest Link to larger image in new window

Sea Lion

Sea Lion Link to larger image in new window

Blue-footed Boobies and Sally Lightfoot Crabs

Blue-footed Boobies and Sally Lightfoot Crabs Link to larger image in new window

Fur Seal

Fur Seal Link to larger image in new window

Galapagos Penguins

Galapagos Penguins Link to larger image in new window

Daily Expedition Report for April 15

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